'This is the first episode of my training podcast MASSIVM8 Whether you\'re in the gym or peaking at the desktop, enjoy the filthiest tracks we could come up with Huge thanks to @scenesmcmaster for mixing the first episode and I hope you guys enjoy it (It\'s on Soundcloud already but I thought I\'d chuck it up here as well! ) Subscribe: (http://bit.ly/2x9fzgN), HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL Check out my TopVideos! http://bit.ly/ZacPernaTopVideos Let Me Coach You and get your diet and training plan: https://www.jointhemassivefam.zacperna.com.au Shop EHPLabs Supplements:USE ZAC10 at https://www.ehplabs.com/Zac-Perna Shop Gymshark: https://gym.sh/Shop-Zac-Perna2 - Follow Me Twitter: @zacperna Instagram: @zacperna (https://instagram.com/zacperna) Tik Tok: @zacperna Snapchat Me: zacperna Facebook: https://facebook.com/zacpernafitness - Videographer - Hafiy
Tags: Workout , mix , gym music , scenes , workout mix , best gym music , workout playlist , bulking , minimal , top gym music , episode 1 , training mix , zac perna , find yourself , Press play , zac perna workouts , zack perna , zac perna food , training podcast , massivm8 , zac perna podcast , lifting podcast , ultimate training mix , melbourne bounce , zyzz playlist , workout podcast , lifting mix
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